
Here's just a few things our customers say about us.

100% real feedback from CEO’s, CMO’s, Business Owners and others. Thanks to our outstanding clients for their testimonials and business. Read more testimonials over at LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/todd-ramse-78031050.

“When I look at our daily sales, I never ceased to be amazed and there is absolutely no doubt that they can be directly attributed to Mr. Ramse’s incredible talent.”

My correspondence will serve as an introduction for Mr. Todd Ramse, Page1Ranks.com. My initial contact with Mr. Ramse rose out of a need to redesign our web site. With his guidance, I quickly realized our web site was a great source of information, but did nothing to increase our sales.After Todd Ramse explained the process of search engine optimization and a viable strategy, our shortcomings were painfully evident. We retained Mr. Ramse several years ago and I am totally satisfied with the increased sales that I can directly attribute to his efforts.

If you are inexperienced in the world of internet marketing, Mr. Ramse will bring clarity and understanding as so many others were unable to do for me. Self-proclaimed, internet marketing gurus are a dime a dozen and generally their approach is one where what they do is so very complicated that one would never be able to grasp an understanding.

Todd has the uncanny ability to take a very complex world and make it simple, to put it into terms that normal beings can comprehend. His approach is very tactical i.e., what do you want to accomplish and how much do you want to allocate for that purpose? His strategy for accomplishing your objectives while anything but simple is incredibly intricate, multi-layered and most of all effective.

Mr. Ramse structured a program to suit our needs and budget. We have experienced a great return on our investment in him. His pleasant demeanor, no pressure approach coupled with an incredible Mid-western work ethic are also very rare and refreshing. He and his staff provide a wide range of services and his advice, insight and perspective provides benefits to our organization that go well beyond the realm of internet marketing.

Mr. Ramse hit the nail on the head, initially when he told me our site was very informational, but did nothing to drive sales. As an involved owner, I can truly say our sales are a direct result of Mr. Ramses’ talents. I am certainly thankful I found him, before my competition.

Best regards,

Michael J. Gelskey., Sr.

Chief Executive Officer and Founder




Well, for 25 years my passion has been inspiring the greatness within high-achieving high school students. And I really believe with all my heart that if they’re properly motivated and if they see a big enough future and a path to that future, they are the people that can change the future of the world because they are so smart, because they are really people who know what, where they want to go and how they want make that change.
So the way we do that is we create these stadium events during the summer time, and there’s 7,000, 8,000, 9,000, 10,000 people there … both those super high-achieving students and their parents because it really does take a village … and then we put in front of those, uh, young people the greatest minds in the world, uh, in the areas that they’re interested in. And I really specialize in the medical field and in, and in the STEM field; science, technology, engineering, and math.

**What would you have to say to those others that are going through the decision process of engaging our social proof solution?

In summary this is a very, very unique, unique process. I haven’t seen anything like it, and I’ve been doing this a long time. The real issue that I’ve always believed is that you need 3 things to sell a product or a service. You’ve got to of course have something that someone wants to buy, they have to somehow be able to pay for it, and then third they’ve got to trust you. But we live in this very cynical age where trust is extremely hard to earn. So if you can make that jump to, to being trustworthy or being unquestionably trustworthy, you have an enormous advantage. Then of course we also know that the best kind of sales are referral sales, no question about it.

So what was amazing about this process that you’ve invented is that it’s really automated, and it allows you to take your customers, in my case and create a pool of individuals that not only assess what it is that you have sold them, and looking for both the good, the bad and room for improvement, but then automatically, and I mean literally automatically, also collects testimonials from those individuals and allows you to just put them onto your website. And I shouldn’t say “allow you,” it actually does it for you.
So think about it for a minute. In my world we do large-scale programs for high-achieving students. Well, the parent has to part not only with money but also has to part with their child, so that’s a really high hurdle. And for us to be able to use this process and get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of parents who have been through our programs to say, “Yes, it was wonderful,” and in detail, question after question after question, and then in that same process to also leave us literally hundreds of testimonials without us having to invest our time and resources into actually getting those, is pretty darn spectacular in my view.

**Special thanks to Tim Templeton and Market Webcast for conducting the interview with Richard rossi and implemention of the system using the Social Proof Doctor SaaS solution.

Richard Rossi

CEO, National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists

Thank you so much for taking the time to let me pick your brain about increasing our web traffic and sales. Appreciate the generous advice and look forward to finding a way to work with you in the near future. Sarah Shultz

GM-Sterling Global Products

“Duct Tape Marketing Consultants receive rigorous training as part of the network, but Certified Consultants have also demonstrated a mastery of the principles contained in the Duct Tape Marketing. I am proud to announce that Todd Ramse has achieved this level of success.”

John Jantsch, founder of the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network.

John Jantsch

CEO-Duct Tape Marketing, Duct Tape Marketing

Inc. 500 ListOur marketing efforts assisted an International Manufacturing Company making the coveted Inc. 500 list. Here is the message from the CEO. “Thanks Todd, could not have do it without you! Sure you can use it to generate whatever media you can. Unfortunately I will be going to Uzbekistan during the conference, they are fun, I went a couple of times with my last company.

Tom Mosey

CEO, MiniMelts Ice Cream-International Manufacturing Company

Todd Ramse another OG! Can’t believe that was almost 10 years ago!

Greg Morrison



Todd Ramse kept our business in the lead when it came to our digital dominance and prominent exposure of our products and services over our competition.

Page1Ranks.com and Todd Ramse brought innovative and cutting edge organic and paid search functionality to our business helping to drive legitimate customers to our website which increased sales.

Page1Ranks provided our company with an extremely high level of knowledge and expertise in an ever changing digital marketing industry.

Todd Ramse gave us a trusted and experienced partner in increasing sales within our online presence allowing our small sales and marketing team to focus on other priorities, needs and challenges.

The social proof project was invaluable for our marketing and helped us achieve record sales.

Thank you, Page1Ranks.com!


Greg Jasmer

Chief Marketing Officer, DAKOTACARE

Great news! We definitely had a strong month following what was a good December, and beat January 17′ by a good margin. Do you happen to know what the increase of impressions and clicks was compared to the December campaign? Also everyone at the store is very pleased with all of the work you’ve done for us.

Taylor Bechtold

4th Generation Bechtold Employee, Bechtold Jewelry (116 Year Old Jewelry Store)




You are very knowledgeable about the Amazon Seller platform and I agreed with everything you discussed today. I appreciate you calling out the realities and potential pitfalls of selling on Amazon.com.  I have found that the more realistic the expectations are, the better the selling experience (and sales) are. 

I may lean on you to keep pushing for Sponsored Products once we get off the ground.  I sincerely think that when we do this right, XYZ Company can have a great year on Amazon.com

Pete W.

Sr. Business Development Manager Amazon Business Marketplace, Amazon.com

Don Winckler is one of the largest Amazon sellers and was recently recognized as a top 1000 fastest growing Amazon seller generating millions in sales annually. I am fortunate enough to help manage Don’s paid traffic via amazon Sponsored Products and other traffic sources. December 2016 was a record month and I helped increase product revenue by 40x on some of his best selling products.A 40% increase in product revenue…in Don’s words,

SWEET! Thank you! You have helped me in many ways. “No matter what I ask of Todd, he finds a solution. He’s just fixes my problems.” 

Don Winckler

Bob Serling, legendary direct response marketer, information publisher and contributing author to Success Magazine. Bob recently asked my advice about a marketing solution in front of one of his coaching groups. Here is a paraphrase of what Bob said,

You have been in the business a long time. For those that don’t know you, Todd is extremely technical. Todd knows both the marketing and technical side.

Bob Serling


We helped make this company what they are today. A global leader in durable kennel sales. Check out any rankings for “tough kennels” and you will see the client we took to the top of the dog kennel industry. They now sell their kennel in Cabela’s and all over the world. We were the brains behind the online marketing strategy and launched the product online.

Way cool……….we have had great success with this product line by word of mouth and nailing a couple high profile accounts, now we have the Force of the Jedi Knights (Todd) on our side!! Thanks for the information, it made me all warm inside, seriously…I love to develop and build new products and I think this one will be a long lasting staple for our company as time goes on! We’re install in g a new 78” x 112 ft. processing table which will only improve efficiencies and better prepare our production for growth as we will now be able to build 100 ft. long xxx on a table top!

Thanks for everything Todd, have a great day!

Mike Gelskey Jr.

General Manager

Also, Todd, I just attended a conference on Customer Experience. The stat the presenter shared with us was 84% of people need to trust a company in order to purchase/do business with them and 80-90% of those customers will look to online reviews for that trust. WOW! This project will certainly help as we lead the way for all industries in “Social Proofing” and trust building. We are excited to be on the forefront of something big!

Terra Zahn

Sales & Marketing Strategist

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