You ever wonder what it is like working with the FBI? Well, let me tell you it is one of the highest achievements in my professional career and produced some of my best work.
The year was 1997 and I was the CEO of a a fast-growing, data networking business. We were experts in most anything computer related and spent days and nights learning, repairing, and networking computers for “Corporate America” businesses. Some big, some small and many right in between.
It was during this time that we had the honor and privilege of being hired by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to perform critical data analysis, extraction and expert testimony for them. Ultimately, our work helped lead to the prosecution and conviction of multiple criminals.
The experience, I received from a business and personal standpoint was immeasurable. We learned what it was like to be trusted and counted on by the FBI and how important our work was in getting some criminals off the street and protecting American citizens.
I will never forget the FBI Special Agents we worked with and how professional and honorable they were. Nice guys, professional in everything they said and did. A ten on a scale of 1-10. These guys were good, real good. Made me proud to be an American taxpayer, with the quality of people on the USA Government payroll.
How does this story relate to why you are on this site? Glad you asked. If your business needs expert advice and guidance in Internet Marketing then we believe it would be worth your time to have a conversation with us.
We can be trusted to do the work in a professional, honorable way. If we were good enough for the FBI, then perhaps we can become a partner of yours, too!
Todd Ramse CEO-Founder