Today we are starting a new blog post series about the 7 Essential Stages of a Total online Presence.
As a Certified Duct Tape Marketing Consultant we have access to awesome content from John Jantsch, the founder of Duct Tape Marketing, and several other of the consultants in the network.
As you likely know, marketing is fast-paced, ever-changing, and what worked yesterday, likely won’t work tomorrow.
Online marketing elements increase in importance with each passing day.
But, marketing is a system, and to effectively operate this system you must assemble and integrate each of the important parts into something that looks like the whole.
Your online presence is your key to success no matter what your business sells – no matter if all of your transactions are done face-to-face – no matter if you don’t yet see a way to get a return from your Facebook page – no matter if you’ve never bought an online ad.
The key, however, is to build a Total Online Presence™, much like you would a tall, sturdy building, by constructing floor by floor in specific order or in stages.
Your stages may differ just a bit based on where you are today and you’ll surely come back and revisit, add on and revamp each stage as you grow, but I believe the following model is the surest way to view your online marketing as a system.
In this blog post series we will outline the core components of a Total Online Presence and give you a taste of the specific details that must be considered as you build your own presence.
This content in this series is a showcase of the thinking that we put into our full service offerings at
We think that once you get a taste of structure and depth of organization you’ll want to consider having us coach or install a Total Online Presence for your business.
Want all 7 steps right now?
Join our list and get the eBook now.
Until then…Onward and Upward!